Wednesday, January 17, 2007

You've Got Mail.

A car slams into a body. Blood drips from his head in ribbons of crimson, mixing with the dirt and grime of the city, forming a brown halo.

People gather, the police come and an ambulance carts this body away.

Who was he ? Maybe his family might know, all the relatives and people somehow related to him will commemorate his passing. But how many people does he have on MSN ? How about that email he uses ? And then , the secret address for sending new resumes , that manages illicit affairs , or contacts service providers ? There are past lovers, childhood friends , distant colleagues, one night flings, general public * . Anyone important enough to be on his list, and probably unknown to anyone attending his funeral. All of them will keep emailing him, nudging his account.

It would be a poor showing.

G : I figured all the people on MSN would be clueless for a good 3 months, until the account shuts down. Today was an interesting day as well. I have a new box of chocolates, freshly minted this morning, and a bottle of black label. Tomorrow's things to do list : Sign up for the CFAs and meet my photographer.

Radiohead: Just

1 comment:

Gwen Brydson said...

Also, I did something and my soul died a little bit more today.