Monday, January 15, 2007

Flicker and a musical revival

Yay people. I am taking some professional shots next week to help a friend out for his portraiture class. This time, I will have some pictures that make me look good, versus pictures that have me snarling at mascots, half toasted in a huge club, in sweatpants, looking uncomfortable in a huge crowd, or looking fat.


Oh no I am in another one of my OCD music modes.
Example : "Note to self: google lyrics 'blahsblahblah' that i heard in subway , find that damn moby song I love by going through all his album sound bites on amazon, DONT forget to download more Muslimgauze, check self-addressed email sent using blackberry to go hunting for more second hand jazz cds at a new store with 50% off on dundas, research into ocean's 11 and 12 to find out musical director and copy his/her song lists, and re-format ipod to rename all the songs that aren't named and sorted into appropriate genres. "

AND a flash of inspiration usually happens during these OCD times. Today, the word "SYCOPHANT" popped in. I am one, you know.

The Killers : All the things that I have done

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