Friday, January 26, 2007

Fat has always been beautiful.

My mom sent me some really gross pictures; anorexic women in fashion expose. My first and only reaction is "how awful", because these women are just so pretty, but they won't last long, much less reproduce and pass on the beauty gene.

This correlates to my theory of why Brazilians are so hot [Gisele Bundchen] and there is a girl of Ipanema, while the best the Mainland can do is Zhang Ziyi. Centuries of pilfering pretty virgins for dynastic but oh so spineless rulers, thats what.

I forecast uglier women, éventuellement, intelligence will actually be a virtue for females.

Do I sound caustic , you think ?
Anyway, back to cramming for the interview. This event ends my inertia, because it looks like the business plan is actually going somewhere. No point building a mine if it merely produces bauxite. Uranium is where its at, baby.

BTW, don't do Forex right now. The Ruskies are coming !

And more about David : He is from Birmingham, from the town called Dudley. hahaha He will never live that down with me.

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