Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The SC Interview

I aced it, or at least I have a good feeling about it. We talked about my experience in Sri Lanka, a bit about my previous employer and my little Pac Rim team.

Now comes the panel interview, say 6 - 7 people, for a day, grilling me. So the crunch regimen begins. In exactly 24 hours, I would have :

1. Purchased a Vault Guide to Sales and Trading [Actually, it took me 3 seconds to get to the online checkout page]
2. Made Globe & Mail my homepage.
3. Added links to Barrons, eFinance, Hoovers, Wall St Journal,
4. Finished reading Wiley's Technical Analysis
5. Downloaded the CNN Money glossary
6. Stolen a copy of SC's annual report

I have to mention, there is a high level of panic.

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