Friday, January 26, 2007

No, I am not Emo-ing

Alright, today was steak day. A solid T-Bone at the Sheraton. Maybe the steak deficiency was the cause of all my insomnia problems. My head is feeling a lot better from it. The weather has been disgusting, snowing all over the place. Hail protein.

A non sequitir happened as well. I met someone, a 37 year-old, who happened to live in Seletar a few years back and had been staying in Vancouver for the last 12 years of his life. How weird is that ? Sadly, I was not impressed by his lack of political reason. More than a decade of living overseas, and still, no opinion, no solid POI of why the current government is bad, or any proof that the opposition would be any better [they are seriously just eager to really, honestly, run the country in exactly the same way, its not like they have any experience or a wide pool of political candidates]. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't. I will vote the ruling, evermore, as long as the GDP stays up, our core company's subsidiaries make oodles of money and issue stocks for me to option on, and prevents more morons like the mentioned man from leaving the island. Brain drain, him ?

And lastly, this man had no grammar whatsoever. "We have a lot in common". Pfah.

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