Monday, January 22, 2007


Tomorrow is the third interview. Oh Boy.

And they told me to bring nothing, which means... its going to be one of those awful psycho talks about 'what do you see yourself doing in the future'. I think I want to tell them, that if I progress far enough, I want to be an authority on the new commodity market in Asia, and start reinforcing the bank's commitment for growth in the region. And also, that I will work so damn hard that they will have to slip depressants in my coffee.

Yeah. Thats what I will say with an absolutely straight face.

Also, I had a good talk down today, and though its a tough call... I want to let everyone know that I never feel bad. I only feel bad because I know the people I care about, want me to. And its good.

MORE bubbly thoughts about David.
Do I like him just because he is British? Really, I think half of it is the accent. Which brings me to muse on the Montreal guy. I think mom would like Frederick better, if they stood side by side.

Coldplay: Sparks

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