Tuesday, January 30, 2007


The days are bleak. Imagine trying to stuff 3 years worth of economic theory ASAP. Same thing with trying to figure out how to calculate the silver ratio, explain what team work really is, and analysing almost every behavioural test out there. You know, useless things that form uni modules.

Oh and did I mention that I also have to keep current with everyday news ? I do agree, after a carnage that is Microeconomics, that sometimes there is credit for going in on the ball, and not much else.

More revenue from poker online, and I increasingly wonder what the world has come to. Why why why* did I bother spending 3 extra years in school.

Friday, January 26, 2007

No, I am not Emo-ing

Alright, today was steak day. A solid T-Bone at the Sheraton. Maybe the steak deficiency was the cause of all my insomnia problems. My head is feeling a lot better from it. The weather has been disgusting, snowing all over the place. Hail protein.

A non sequitir happened as well. I met someone, a 37 year-old, who happened to live in Seletar a few years back and had been staying in Vancouver for the last 12 years of his life. How weird is that ? Sadly, I was not impressed by his lack of political reason. More than a decade of living overseas, and still, no opinion, no solid POI of why the current government is bad, or any proof that the opposition would be any better [they are seriously just eager to really, honestly, run the country in exactly the same way, its not like they have any experience or a wide pool of political candidates]. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't. I will vote the ruling, evermore, as long as the GDP stays up, our core company's subsidiaries make oodles of money and issue stocks for me to option on, and prevents more morons like the mentioned man from leaving the island. Brain drain, him ?

And lastly, this man had no grammar whatsoever. "We have a lot in common". Pfah.

Fat has always been beautiful.

My mom sent me some really gross pictures; anorexic women in fashion expose. My first and only reaction is "how awful", because these women are just so pretty, but they won't last long, much less reproduce and pass on the beauty gene.

This correlates to my theory of why Brazilians are so hot [Gisele Bundchen] and there is a girl of Ipanema, while the best the Mainland can do is Zhang Ziyi. Centuries of pilfering pretty virgins for dynastic but oh so spineless rulers, thats what.

I forecast uglier women, éventuellement, intelligence will actually be a virtue for females.

Do I sound caustic , you think ?
Anyway, back to cramming for the interview. This event ends my inertia, because it looks like the business plan is actually going somewhere. No point building a mine if it merely produces bauxite. Uranium is where its at, baby.

BTW, don't do Forex right now. The Ruskies are coming !

And more about David : He is from Birmingham, from the town called Dudley. hahaha He will never live that down with me.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The SC Interview

I aced it, or at least I have a good feeling about it. We talked about my experience in Sri Lanka, a bit about my previous employer and my little Pac Rim team.

Now comes the panel interview, say 6 - 7 people, for a day, grilling me. So the crunch regimen begins. In exactly 24 hours, I would have :

1. Purchased a Vault Guide to Sales and Trading [Actually, it took me 3 seconds to get to the online checkout page]
2. Made Globe & Mail my homepage.
3. Added links to Barrons, eFinance, Hoovers, Wall St Journal,
4. Finished reading Wiley's Technical Analysis
5. Downloaded the CNN Money glossary
6. Stolen a copy of SC's annual report

I have to mention, there is a high level of panic.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


How I hate men who are late. Seriously, I never ever ever ever like any man who is late. Women aren't supposed to wait around for men. Its bloody ridiculous. At least call.

I want to stick a fork in someone's meat and veg.

And yes, peekvid.com is an agreeable website.

Monday, January 22, 2007


Tomorrow is the third interview. Oh Boy.

And they told me to bring nothing, which means... its going to be one of those awful psycho talks about 'what do you see yourself doing in the future'. I think I want to tell them, that if I progress far enough, I want to be an authority on the new commodity market in Asia, and start reinforcing the bank's commitment for growth in the region. And also, that I will work so damn hard that they will have to slip depressants in my coffee.

Yeah. Thats what I will say with an absolutely straight face.

Also, I had a good talk down today, and though its a tough call... I want to let everyone know that I never feel bad. I only feel bad because I know the people I care about, want me to. And its good.

MORE bubbly thoughts about David.
Do I like him just because he is British? Really, I think half of it is the accent. Which brings me to muse on the Montreal guy. I think mom would like Frederick better, if they stood side by side.

Coldplay: Sparks

So what are we fighting for ?

I just signed up for accrediation, to become a certified broker. Lets see what happens. Also, the third interview is being arranged, hopefully I won't blank out from listening too hard. Ever had those times when people just don't make sense on the phone?

It reminds me a little of the time I spent studying media. I was reknown for being able to fall asleep in a group meeting, with a lecturer present. Let me break it down. 5 people around a table, and I fall asleep.

I spent the weekend with David, and again the issue came up of whether moving to London would be smashing. If we do, I would depart sometime in September. I don't know, the food as it is, isn't the best in the world. I could say it might be closest to the worse. This is very tentative now. I don't think we go together well, but it is nice to have company. Ah, also lived out a childhood fantasy to have one of those chandelier shiny things. You know, one of the bigger crystals hanging just out of reach.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Oscar Wilde

Wow, a lot of turmoil.

We are all in the gutter, but some are looking at the stars is advice straight from a drunk, debauched and very gay but very literary man.

So what is it about geniuses ? Ever seen a happy one ? Which leads me to the conclusion that smart people are rarely happy, and the smarter they are, the more depressed and manic they become. Funny also is the degree of how nobel they can be in intention, but innoble the pursuit.

Example :
The guy who invented dynamite. [Come on , you know who]
The Kinsey experiments [Absolute mayhem : Everybody's sin is nobody's sin, and everybody's crime is no crime at all.]
Darwin [Evolution was considered blasphemy]
Pythagoras [Ooo round earth ? BLASPHEMY ! Torch his village to ye ground ! ]
Copernicus [He was Polish. My roomate insisted I add him to the list]

So I am breaking news to someone tomorrow. Its good I don't have many friends, I couldn't stand the disappointment.

Coldplay : Yellow

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

You've Got Mail.

A car slams into a body. Blood drips from his head in ribbons of crimson, mixing with the dirt and grime of the city, forming a brown halo.

People gather, the police come and an ambulance carts this body away.

Who was he ? Maybe his family might know, all the relatives and people somehow related to him will commemorate his passing. But how many people does he have on MSN ? How about that email he uses ? And then , the secret address for sending new resumes , that manages illicit affairs , or contacts service providers ? There are past lovers, childhood friends , distant colleagues, one night flings, general public * . Anyone important enough to be on his list, and probably unknown to anyone attending his funeral. All of them will keep emailing him, nudging his account.

It would be a poor showing.

G : I figured all the people on MSN would be clueless for a good 3 months, until the account shuts down. Today was an interesting day as well. I have a new box of chocolates, freshly minted this morning, and a bottle of black label. Tomorrow's things to do list : Sign up for the CFAs and meet my photographer.

Radiohead: Just

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

When David slew Goliath

DAVID : Mr Lavender, Acquaintance from 6Th of January 2006
GOLIATH : Perverse sense of duty, Machiavellian principle

A couple is sitting on a white couch, drinks on the side and facing a cityscape. Soft music is playing in the background. Finance books and Economist magazines are scattered around their feet, and on the table in front of them, a Blackberry blinking, next to a mobile.

So, I was thinking that Lauren and I don't get along. She wants me to get treatment and go on drugs. I went to the docs today, I am a bipolar.

I am a high functioning autistic, exhibit Asperger's syndrome and I have mild dyslexia. I also have no ethics. You're not crazy at all. You're completely harmless and probably normal. As normal as the rest of humanity.

I am supposed to be bipolar, but my doctor told me that if I was rich, I'd simply be called an eccentric.

Wait, you're telling me that Lauren is considering having a long-term relationship with you, on condition that you to go to a shrink ?

I actually never saw it that way. I was going back to London in September before this came up.

From the other day, I have been going through it.


If I asked you, would you go to London ?

Monday, January 15, 2007

The Devil's Dictionary

As the lean leech, its victim found, is pleased
To fix itself upon a part diseased
Till, its black hide distended with bad blood,
It drops to die of surfeit in the mud,
So the base sycophant with joy descries
His neighbor's weak spot and his mouth applies,
Gorges and prospers like the leech, although,
Unlike that reptile, he will not let go.
Gelasma, if it paid you to devote
Your talent to the service of a goat,
Showing by forceful logic that its beard
Is more than Aaron's fit to be revered;
If to the task of honoring its smell
Profit had prompted you, and love as well,
The world would benefit at last by you
And wealthy malefactors weep anew --
Your favor for a moment's space denied
And to the nobler object turned aside.
Is't not enough that thrifty millionaires
Who loot in freight and spoliate in fares,
Or, cursed with consciences that bid them fly
To safer villainies of darker dye,
Forswearing robbery and fain, instead,
To steal (they call it "cornering") our bread
May see you groveling their boots to lick
And begging for the favor of a kick?
Still must you follow to the bitter end
Your sycophantic disposition's trend,
And in your eagerness to please the rich
Hunt hungry sinners to their final ditch?
In Morgan's praise you smite the sounding wire,
And sing hosannas to great Havemeyher!
What's Satan done that him you should eschew?
He too is reeking rich -- deducting you.

Ambrose Bierce

Better than Ezra: King of New Orleans

Flicker and a musical revival

Yay people. I am taking some professional shots next week to help a friend out for his portraiture class. This time, I will have some pictures that make me look good, versus pictures that have me snarling at mascots, half toasted in a huge club, in sweatpants, looking uncomfortable in a huge crowd, or looking fat.


Oh no I am in another one of my OCD music modes.
Example : "Note to self: google lyrics 'blahsblahblah' that i heard in subway , find that damn moby song I love by going through all his album sound bites on amazon, DONT forget to download more Muslimgauze, check self-addressed email sent using blackberry to go hunting for more second hand jazz cds at a new store with 50% off on dundas, research into ocean's 11 and 12 to find out musical director and copy his/her song lists, and re-format ipod to rename all the songs that aren't named and sorted into appropriate genres. "

AND a flash of inspiration usually happens during these OCD times. Today, the word "SYCOPHANT" popped in. I am one, you know.

The Killers : All the things that I have done

Sunday, January 14, 2007


The other day I won 300 bucks at poker. Does that rock? I think so.

A friend of mine is having some problems of late, so hang in there babe.

And I got a call from Sony BMG. Mental !


Saturday, January 13, 2007

Mot du Jour

Today is a lovely saturday.

I am going out to for a nice lunch, and will spend the afternoon in a coffeeshop reading about north korea. I've also added a function to this blog, a Mot du Jour, meaning word of the day.

So if you want to learn random french words, scroll to the bottom of the page.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

A nose full of roses.

Men should not discount the act of giving flowers. Though they do die, for the short time that they remain upright, roses remind. Especially so when coupled with a box of truffles.

So today, I cooked up the leftover food my mom left, and the apartment looks the same as before they came.

I miss my folks.

Saturday, January 6, 2007


Today was mildly interesting. The night before, I met a sports executive [go figure, it WAS a cheesy retro place] and had a free ticket to go see the american football thing in the rogers centre. Its such a waste, because it was pretty interesting and I know ben would have liked to go in. The cheerleaders were pretty cool too.

I did leave at half-time, to go to a gallery exhibit [some artist was giving her literature collection away for free], but it was packed.

And so I went home, and fell asleep on the couch. Again.

Now I am waiting up, for a friend to come over. I hadn't seen him in a long time, from the first month I got here. He's back from the UK. We'll probably go to a movie or play some pool downstairs.


I am behind time.

It was Friday morning.

How strange to let go of your parents. Half of me wanted to ask them to stay.

Somehow, it feels like a long time since they left. After I sent them off in a cab, I just went back to my apartment, and fell asleep on the couch. Later on, Chun and I went to a sushi place to eat, and I got myself a pair of sparkly shoes and a catsuit. How I express me missing my parents is a bit strange, but don't you mind about me.

I went out to a retro place that played ABBA, and danced the night away.

When I got back, it was near the morning. I showered with the newly installed rain shower [courtesy of dad] and then fell asleep where I was uesd to sleeping since they had been around. My couch.