Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Eve of Eve

I spoke to my grandma today and it was great. It was nice to see her again. The funny thing is, when you wait so long to see another person again, you're generally speechless for oh, the next hour or so. It happened with my mom and dad, and it definitely happened with her. 

To think of it, even my aunty lily takes a step back when we happen to be online at the same time. 

I should start something up with 24-hour conferencing. Perhaps I should just install a Gwen-cam linked up permanently to a website, broadcasting  7 days a week. 

But then, where is the suspense :) For example, me being here was just another random chance and it is entertaining to see proof that there was no plan. I didn't think I'd be here for so long. I didn't plan to fall in love. 

But I did and here I am. Happy, content, and some say, well-fed. 

Happy eve of eve, may several meals of turkey, bacon and ribs be bestowed upon thee. 

Here is a song that sums up my whole year.
Pulp - Something Changed 

Monday, December 22, 2008


Here is a good ol canadian band called the Weakerthans. 
I present to you, Civil Twilight. I'd write more but I am cooking something on the stove. 

Friday, December 19, 2008


I am alone in the gallery today because its a 'shitstorm of a snowdown' here in Toronto. 

So, what else is there besides build new websites and listen to fantastic music nosh. 
I bring you, The Libertines : Can't stand me now 

Friday, December 12, 2008

Artsy Fartsy

Since I can't work formally as an accountant until oh, next year... I have started curating at the Lens Factory, a photography gallery along West Queen West. It's my little outlet before I head back into finance, and for the time being, I am hosting shows, schmoozing and helping to build a bit of business.

Its nice. Free beer, and the poshness of it all. Oh look at me, all bohemian.

At the same time, I've just written the opening for January's show, Free Them of Choice. Its supposed to be about mass consumerism, but I've tweaked it. I'll post the link here when its out.

Here is my take on it.

The free market in chaos. Economic theory debunked. Self-regulation a myth.
What defines a generation is what it buys.
Ideas, religion, debt and fear are all products in this age of commodity and excess.

I might add, I am not entirely sure what that is supposed to mean, but anything concerning money is always relevant in my books.