Sunday, February 25, 2007


Today , David sorted out my new PC for me. So my iPod gets a new lease on life, with again, all the artists and albums listed correctly, label design, producer and year , plus genre. And we'll get to watch his british comedies, which i rather call 'the inner sadistic depths of the uk media' . Seriously, i watched one show and I think its broken at least 5 laws concerning regulations from the ol lil island.

Cutting to the chase: tadaaa here are pictures of him and I, going out on a saturday night. Obviously, we are the most smashing couple there.

I told some good friends of the news, and they are happy. The core question was , "how did he get you to do it', and here it is : I am prone to monty python sketches, and he did The Parrot for me.

There is some talk of a canadian engagement party for the people dear to me here, where we met the first time [Canadiana Hostel] in the summertime, or maybe something on a boat. Its mainly for chun and jess, and a couple others on his side, but i like the idea of a bachelorette week in cuba.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Bier Markt

Yesterday, I made a good trade and brought David out to the Bier Markt. Note : I bring him out, because as a 27 year old, he has no idea where the cool places are. So we had steak, waterzooi and a very good dessert [Chocolate Cheesecake !!!]. Along with that, some very good beers.

We also opened a savings account with ING that has a high per annum interest rate, THOUGH I can't see a long term benefit when you can earn interest in GBP vs the CAD.
I got news that Singapore is doing well; it does look better from here, than being actually there. Who knows. The GBP does go far, and Asia is a nice place to bring up kids or retire.


Monday, February 19, 2007

Taking a good picture


And ... Yes, I am engaged. The silence is over, we have emerged from our little cocoon of happiness. We got the rings last week, and are waiting for the pair to arrive. We happen to have the same inconvenient nack of picking and falling in love with the same expensive thing, so titanium they are. Haha it could be said that thats how we got attracted to each other. We have Bling** personalities. har. har.

Pictures SOON . We are just struggling to get one taken that doesn't scream , "Look at my trophy fiance(e)" . Both of us realise that each side is equally eager to take a look and have a go and The Couple Photo, #1 , so we have engaged a professional photographer, a makeup artist and a special twin-duo from NYC, as well as a photoshop expert, to get it right. And we bought a feather boa, those are always handy.

We had fun this weekend. I brought David to This is London on Saturday for the Black Snake Moan premiere, and Sunday was a lazy day watching Matrix: Reloaded. He has been telling me about stuff in England, and I am horrified that I will be surrounded by greenery. My perception of wildlife is crazy big spiders, crocodile roadkill when I cycle behing my home, and monkeys and snakes in Yishun Park [by no means a nature reserve to begin with]. His idea is well... lots and lots of grass, and the occasional cave, which I admit does appeal to my morbid fascination with deep, dark and narrow places.


Monday, February 12, 2007


Windows Vista is awful. David got himself a laptop and its not working well, even with 1GB of RAM. But it works well for playing DVDs, so I am waiting for him to get home so we can watch another one of his dry-brit-wit movies.

Right, I am just really happy right now. Won`t say what. I still have to get pictures out. Please don`t mind the mystery, but my mom is stressed.

Recommendations for not pissing ME off : I do not want to hear of her getting flak from anyone. I called her yesterday, and she was not happy. I am not a gracious angry-person, and I know all, I see all, and I am indiscriminate of who I will have to pound. The problem is knowing who is getting her gum, and .. I don`t know who it is. But really, if you don`t have anything nice to say, please mind your own.

I would do a scarface impression of `Say hello to my little friend`, but Chun has seen it at least 6 times now.


Tuesday, February 6, 2007


Today, I finally bought a new computer. Its an Acer. I am pretty tired out so I am keeping it brief. More studying , and finally, the ability to download.

I also feel I have to mention that David has officially moved in with me. Its really nice, because he can do monty python episodes the whole day.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Feist !

So, a fake eyelash-induced song .. I just finished reading my first tabloid. Never. Again. is all I can say.


Today I decided to have a stay-in, and mug more for that interview. So on with the facemask and moisturisers. I will have coffee brewing, and fake eyelashes on because they look funny.
