Monday, February 19, 2007

Taking a good picture


And ... Yes, I am engaged. The silence is over, we have emerged from our little cocoon of happiness. We got the rings last week, and are waiting for the pair to arrive. We happen to have the same inconvenient nack of picking and falling in love with the same expensive thing, so titanium they are. Haha it could be said that thats how we got attracted to each other. We have Bling** personalities. har. har.

Pictures SOON . We are just struggling to get one taken that doesn't scream , "Look at my trophy fiance(e)" . Both of us realise that each side is equally eager to take a look and have a go and The Couple Photo, #1 , so we have engaged a professional photographer, a makeup artist and a special twin-duo from NYC, as well as a photoshop expert, to get it right. And we bought a feather boa, those are always handy.

We had fun this weekend. I brought David to This is London on Saturday for the Black Snake Moan premiere, and Sunday was a lazy day watching Matrix: Reloaded. He has been telling me about stuff in England, and I am horrified that I will be surrounded by greenery. My perception of wildlife is crazy big spiders, crocodile roadkill when I cycle behing my home, and monkeys and snakes in Yishun Park [by no means a nature reserve to begin with]. His idea is well... lots and lots of grass, and the occasional cave, which I admit does appeal to my morbid fascination with deep, dark and narrow places.


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