Monday, January 22, 2007

So what are we fighting for ?

I just signed up for accrediation, to become a certified broker. Lets see what happens. Also, the third interview is being arranged, hopefully I won't blank out from listening too hard. Ever had those times when people just don't make sense on the phone?

It reminds me a little of the time I spent studying media. I was reknown for being able to fall asleep in a group meeting, with a lecturer present. Let me break it down. 5 people around a table, and I fall asleep.

I spent the weekend with David, and again the issue came up of whether moving to London would be smashing. If we do, I would depart sometime in September. I don't know, the food as it is, isn't the best in the world. I could say it might be closest to the worse. This is very tentative now. I don't think we go together well, but it is nice to have company. Ah, also lived out a childhood fantasy to have one of those chandelier shiny things. You know, one of the bigger crystals hanging just out of reach.

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