Monday, September 24, 2007

Wolverhampton and Birmingham Central

Its black country, its the midlands, no its not glamorous. But the funny thing is, I feel like I am really living here. Sure I have a fair share of business anxiety and piddly other things. Trust me the last 6 weeks have been a nightmare and I am glad to be in one piece. PS have a bad cold and just went for an interview in a law firm. GAH. And a certain large company here wants to know if I am chinese or a variant of a chinese. Lol.


Maybe for once being rich isn't on top of my list. Sitting in a desk rotting under a flourescent tube, working inches from passing out, the mad commute in public transport ... in the end those mean nothing. Its a means to an end, where I just want to be happy and contented with D in a flat by the canals, eating what I want to eat and buying within reason or even slight fancy.

There was a study done with lottery winners, and really, people don't change their spending patterns that much. They have their old jobs and shop in the same shops. They weren't much happier. The word du jour is this : Satisfaction.

Well, you know me. Old habits die hard, and I will look back at this and laugh when the money siren calls.

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