Friday, September 28, 2007

Still young :)

Just larking around here in the UK. I am hoping to get some pictures soon when D and I take a trip around birmingham town. I've been there alone 3 times already, and it does make me think about the british empire and imperialism in general. The place is so grand. Monuments and fountains, cobblestones and all. But then, all the wealth came from the colonies under the crown.

So really.... Should I be impressed ? I say its social conditioning, because I spot japanese tourists front left and center. They, and even I , come from cultures that date back to when white men were 'savages'. Yet we dismiss our own great monuments and achievements to gawp at pieces of marble. Wealth built up from colonial conquest and pillaging. I know about their wars, their bombs and their presidents, political motivations, bad pop music and knock knock jokes. But all I know about china is that it has the great wall, pollution, random superstitions and india is filled with cows, harems, curry and gandhi.

Aside, aside. I am missing toronto. I find it slightly confusing, because I was and am both a tourist and a local last in canada and now here. Its new ground and I am to stay for an indefinite period. I like what I see, but will I stay ? I thought so when I was in Singapore and the same in Canada.

Why the tirade ? Well its possible I currently hate the english weather. Ok fine, I HATE the english weather. Singapore is far superior because its WARM. And the transport is superb. And the food is fabulous. And I can go for a midnight jog without getting mugged.

Now to lighten the mood : Falco !

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