Thursday, September 27, 2007

Fat Cat

I am at home alone today with d's two cats. I must say I appreciate having a lie in. Plans have changed dramatically in terms of what I am doing. Currently speaking to a few firms here about getting some work, which is great. Its like getting into merrill lynch via india. Birmingham is sleepier than london and all the new brains are relocated to the city, so there is a shortage in birmy, and hence my niche. Its quite exciting to be wanted.

You can take the girl outta the big city ...

I had a minor discussion on what the essence of life is with d's stepsis Jane. She is going to be a psychologist and cements my theory that its the people who aren't entirely sane who have an interest in that industry :) I ought to know, I wanted to be one. Or some sort of therapist. heh heh. Anyway, I figure with cash or no, I'd still be looking for a job anyway while D finishes his contracts here.

So now I would be a management consultant, do corp finance .... who knows what they want to be at my age ? Or at 30 ?

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