Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Excess Baggage


The time has cometh ! I shall depart from toronto on the 6th at 6PM . Lovely, I have two days to do anything I want to. I will be missing TIFF [toronto int film fest] but no matter. Just going to have a nice flight there, and possibly by today repair my laptop which i happened to accidently smash. Angrily. I basically killed the hard drive.

D and I have not been doing so well because this long distance thing is bulls**t.

Syl messaged me the other day out of the blue, and it was a nice surprise. As usual, a flood of memories in its wake, starting with the $900 phone bill in april of 2005. No matter what, I will always be fond of him. How could I not ? Also, 3Am in the morning is always spooky. All the old songs circa 2005 come pouring out of the tv.

Now I am worrying about coming home. This is it folks, the gwen hath returned to yee fair shores of changi point. Well yes, since the flights from the uk do come in that direction. And with her shall followeth a fair man with chest hair.

:) I do worry though. I feel an imaginary pressure to pull a rabbit out of thin air when i come home.

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