Saturday, July 14, 2007

Disaster is Averted

To fight another day, yes, thats probably what I live for.

Someone told me about the difference between a carrot and a stick. People are motivated by different things of course, but they fall into two classifications. Fear or reward = stick or carrot. I am a stick, I have a huge sign in my brain reading, "Now please, just don't fuck up"

Stick and Carrot; One or the other works, and people do mix them up, but generally a person follows one mode 90% of the time.
EG If you don't study now , you are going to end up poor, derelict and living off the streets. And when you do study, you're going to get an MBA, hook a sexy fiance and have a porsche.

So I have been hustling for the last two weeks and have raised a significant amount of cash to make sure the firm stays afloat until I at least get back to SG. I could say it was one of the toughest periods of my life so far, and no matter how many people back me or love me, in the end its just a game between the world and my ego. Nothing else matters.

Another thing I picked up , 35% of CEOs have the traits of psychopaths, and would be obsessive serial killers or arsonists had they not gone into business.

Meh I am rambling, but its been a long month. The next course : convincing D to trade and that the finance industry isn't more evil than the rest of the businesses out there.

All my love,

Embrace : Target

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