Sunday, July 8, 2007

07 - 07 -2007

Possibly the luckiest day for the millennium, is what they say. I have to agree.

Guess who is in the pic ??

Bono. Yes, Bono and Edge. From U2. You know, just a pair of stadium rock gods. Long story short, I know the guy who took pictures for Kiss and Led Zepp and another guy who did the filming for Queen at Wembley. So we go down to this bar at king and church, near the hotel i am staying till friday, and basically drink beer with Bono.
He survived a bout of cancer [last 6 months, has a new scar on the left of his neck to show for it] and is now religious. Check out the rosary. Anyway, it was a great night and I sang a few verses from Pride during the gig. Solo. Now see? All that useless musical knowledge and audiosnobbery came out in the end. For the terabyte of music I have, and the $ spent ...

What I wondered about was why there were only 12 people in the bar , and being canadians, do as canadians do and turn their backs on the gig. Really now, Bono isn't an actual god, but you ought never turn your back when someone is performing for you in such an intimate setting.

Its unbelievable. I'd possibly run over someone to get to that gig, and people actually took smoke breaks, and walked out during the set. I wonder if it would be different if the gig wasn't free.

But. Amazing Night. AMAZING.

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