Saturday, August 25, 2007

Turn your PC into a super TV

Well yeah thats what they say. Look out for tonnes of scams like pcshowbuzz. Its basically a program that they charge a one time fee of 30 bucks that soemhow allows you to watch satellite on your pc, much like youtube. However, hey, it sounds too good to be true and is too good to be true.

The funny thing is, I think this service should exist. Cable is basically from the same providers of your internet connection. They use the same infrasturcture for sakes ! All it takes is a bit of tinkering of the wires and I can turn my laptop into a tvbox, complete with a universal remote.

Pffff. They should just suck it in and stop thinking of it in terms of internal product competition. TV IS DEAD.

BTW , I have the ignominy of realising that my frickin namesake aka gwen stefani's song '4AM in the morning' is actually accurate, because I do get soppy in the middle of the night. And its 4AM. Someone please shoot me.

Anyway, heads up to all the cousins back home in singapore. I am sending everyone a little something within the same parcel as ben's present.

He's 9. Wow. Now its only a few years until he will be deciding things for himself and making whatever he wants to make of this world. I do hope he crawls out of the cracks, public school isnt the best enviroment. Trust me, if I can in the short future, its an international school for my boy. I already didn't get my full run with him. I wanted to chuck him into piano classes, french, german, possibly swimming, rock climbing, stick him in parlimentary debates like his ol sister.

Its time to make for the new. I am old hat now. Probably no matter what I do, he will turn out exactly the way only he wants to turn out. Its just one of my worry nights when I can't sleep. Argh. Its just this feeling like I want to protect him, and I don't know how to. The deep end? It certainly isn't comfortable, and the idea of ethics becomes a wee bit foggy.

Its probably time to touch home base.

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