Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Way behind

Today I realised why I haven't been updating this thing. I used to keep two separate logs, one online and public, and the other written and private. Now its kind of in the air for both.

The function of this blog was to keep people in the loop, but it isn't because whatever is written alienates. It makes some people mad, or worried, or whatever people feel. Its supposed to narrate, give messages and statements. Its a one-way means of communication.

Which brings me to the point of why I haven't kept up with the private journal. Well.....People ask me whats my plan, whats going to happen , and seriously, I don't know. I am doing whatever I feel is right at the moment, excuse my french, so that I at least don't fuck up. Would you believe I am intensely scared of that, everyday of my life ?

So, what did I do today?

Marathon session of Jeff Buckley, exploratory Weezer, the new and improved socially conscious South Park, visa stuff, bbc documentary on dark matter, and talha dropped by to hang out.

Cool stuff. I promise to keep you folks updated, but the last 6 weeks were hectic. Learning to laugh for no one else, I call it.

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