Friday, April 11, 2008

Developed world guilt trip.

Its in the middle of the night, on a friday night, and I can't stand it.

I have to confess. I am eating rice from delivery, and I am not going to finish it all.

I feel really bad, because I keep updated on news, and the developing world is currently in a food shortage crisis. Farmers can't even hoard enough of their stock in Indonesia to feed their family for a season, and face a lifetime imprisonment if they do. In India, people who already spend 80% of their income on food have to yank their kids out of school and turn to the black market to survive. In China, its the worst. They're eating Mcburgers because its cheaper.

I actually feel directly responsible for all of this mess. Buyers from the developed world force prices down, we produce staples to turn into fuel and not food,
and people like me toss it because I am afraid I will get fat. If the country I am in has a shortage, we simply pay a bit more because our currency allows us to, without much pain. My ancestral forefathers would scream.

AND anyway, plans are underway to visit Auntie Gracie when Amanda drops by.


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