Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Moving into the office

Today we finally put up the finishing touches to the offices of Brydson Media :)

Well, ok, we put up a cork board in the corner of our apartment, which faces my desk.

But the dream is there. Everything starts from somewhere, right?

Saturday, July 25, 2009


We went bowling this weekend, here are some pictures. It felt as if we were back in the bad old 70s, along with polyester seats, scruffy rental sneakers and that smell of 40WD in the air, mixed with beer and nachos.

We went for KFC after.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Another good day for Brydson Media

Today was a very productive day.

Besides the shoot this morning with Shugamai-Grace Johnson, I checked out a really, really young band at Kensington Market while I was prop shopping for a big shoot I have next week with The Ladies in Pink [burlesque] .

There I was, shopping for pink boas, garters, wigs, fans and fur, when I hear cool sounds coming from a cafe. I look in and there are these three kids with a great sound [flute, bass guitar and drums] playing to earn some money during their summer vacation.

Obviously, that screams to me, "SHOOT! COOL SHOOT!" so I get contact info and we will probably have a nice graffiti alley cover sometime next week, possibly Tuesday.

Also, after my prop shopping [woe is me, I have to go buy vintage props, such a tough job] I stopped in for an appointment at a studio I was checking out to expand my gig. Turns out they need a female shooter.........so guess who is possibly heading towards residence at a gallery. Its not me speculating here, the owner was really into the idea of getting a junior shooter on board and he was quite outright on how he felt I was a good fit.

Plus, the fashion shoot and posters/billboard really helped.

SO here is a vid of Shugamai, and hopefully some pics soon from today's studio shoot.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Celebrating Michael Jackson

The poor man is now an event.

I was watching the live broadcast [on 18 channels] of Remembering Michael Jackson today out of curiosity. I was wondering if it would be as bad as I had imagined.

Yes, yes it is.

I couldn't make it past 4 minutes and killed the signal of Stevie Wonder screeching, "Michael, why did you leave?" before it killed me.

Its awful, such a spectacle of kitchy, Michael-Jackson-dom. Apparently there is a logo of him flying out with belted booties, punching and kicking all evildoers with his magical music.

The Nitty Gritty

My website is up, I have some portfolio shots to work with, a studio that hosts me and some repeating gigs.

Its been a lot of work, but I think I am only 1/10 of the way there. Now, advertising. Where and who is now very important.

Also, might as well concentrate on another project I have on the go. Weekly shoots, projects that could apply to commerical stock shoots while at the same time generating some income from classes and stock companies... eh you have to try out everything right?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Leaky ceiling

We had a huge leak in the ceiling of our kitchen this week. Its awfully worrying when you've never had a pipe burst in your own apartment before. I was half expecting it to start gushing in an hour, so I grab the landlady and she manages to leave a massive hole in the drywall.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Downtown 2

Fashion Shoot is up!

I am incredibly happy to announce that I now have photos in public :)

Happy 1st of July!

Matt and I had a great Canada Day.

We went for a walk in the morning and slept afterwards, had a nice lunch and then went out boating even though it was slightly gray, just because it IS Canada Day.

When we got back, we had some curry and then we went out with a gigantic box full of fireworks! Being so illegal in Singapore, I could not resist buying an entire box full of fizzing whizbees, starbangers and rockets.

We crossed the bridge and walked over to Sunnyside beach, to join the rest of the young people hiding away from the main cheesy family festivities at ontario place. My favorite firework of the night was the burning schoolhouse, confirming the fact that I am yes, a little pyro at heart. There is nothing like burning stuff on a beach in the middle of the night, with some soft serve ice cream.

We had lots of little squib fireworks, and finished with a large 25-load white and red canada day rocket. .. just in time for the festival of fire at Ontario Place. I think it was more than half an hour of massive fireworks. Big things that rained down sparks, big shapes, circles, stars, huge domes of fire.

No pictures though. There are some things left better that way... instead of worrying about exposure and composition, I decided to enjoy canada day it was meant to be. Lounging around and enjoying civil liberties such as sitting in the middle of the highway on a patch of pavement and grass, watching an entire 4 lane come to a crawl. Happy 142!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Here is the box of fireworks we had on Canada Day. Love it.